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Conference Format

The 12th European Feminist Research Conference will be an on-site event only, looking forward to welcoming you in Barcelona. Online presentations are unfortunately not accepted.

Proposed types of submission

OPTION 1. Independent paper (1 or up to 3 presenters per paper) 

OPTION 2. Panel discussion (between 3 and 4 papers) 

OPTION 3. Workshop (1 or up to 3 facilitators). 

Note about workshops: We encourage and support alternative session formats such as interactive workshops to foster creative dialogue and practical skills among participants. 

Submission guidelines

  • All proposal must be submitted through the online submission form (available here), no later than 31 January 2025 (extended deadline)  

  • Submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed by strand coordinators. Notification of acceptance will be sent to the corresponding presenters by the end of February. 

  • Proposals can be submitted to one strand only.  

  • Participants can only submit one paper (independent or in panel) OR submit one workshop proposal. However, they can also appear as co-presenters on other submissions.

  • Submissions can only be accepted in English.  

  • Submissions must adhere to established research ethics standards, ensuring integrity and transparency of data collection, and respect and privacy for participants. 

  • ATGENDER is committed to confronting structures of power. It acknowledges past and present institutionalized forms of inequities. It recognizes and stands in solidarity with group struggles against intersecting forms of structural oppression. It acknowledges the importance of advocating peaceful measures stipulated by the UN Charter to put pressure on states committing gross violations, to comply with international and humanitarian law.  

Guidelines for each type of submissions

In the online submission form (available here), you will be asked to provide the following:​


Independent paper 

Name, affiliation and email address of corresponding presenter; Name, affiliation and email address of co-presenters; short biographies of the presenter(s) (50 words each); information about visa requirement; title; keywords (up to 3); abstract (max 250 words) 



Panel title and key words (up to 3), title and abstract of each paper (minimum 3, and up to 4), name, affiliation, email and short bio (max 50 words) of corresponding panellist and other panellists; information about visa requirement. 


Workshop: interactive sessions 

Name, affiliation and email address of corresponding facilitator; Name, affiliation and email address of co-facilitator; short biographies of the facilitator(s) (50 words each); information about visa requirement; title; keywords (up to 3); abstract (max 250 words)  

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Email us at:


Please indicate clearly what stream you are enquiring about.

Submission details

Submissions for abstracts, panels and workshops can be submitted here. The deadline for all submissions is 31st January 2025 (extended deadline).​

© 2035 by ATGENDER.

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